Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
January 2014
7.1.14: Qantas interview.
21.1.14: Interview for The Weekly Review Magazine.
22.1.14: Surgical Forum. Melbourne. Facilitate.
23.1.14: SCEGGS Board interview.
24.1.14 to 5.2.14: London Trip.
February 2014
13.2.14: Sydney Mardi Gras Aged Care Forum. MC.
14.2.14 to 15.2.14: SCEGGS Board Retreat.
16.2.14: “To say goodbye” Morning Tea, Governor-General, Quentin Bryce. Admiralty House, Kirribilli. Attend.
23.2.14: Australian Orthopaedic Association Meeting. Facilitate.
28.2.14: Coastrek fundraiser for The Fred Hollows Foundation. See
March 2014
5.3.14: Global Alliance for Banking on Value: Participative Arts Event. Melbourne. MC.
6.3.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board & Trust meeting.
8.3.14: Little River Landcare Group. 15 Year celebration. Attend.
13.3.14: Wagga Wagga Women’s Health Centre IWD Dinner.
18.3.14: Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, Kings Cross. Event. MC.
18.3.14: SSUC Council Meeting. Attend.
19.3.14: Young People’s Forum Western Sydney. Agency for Clinical Innovation. MC.
19.3.14: SCEGGS New Parents’ Dinner. Attend.
20.3.14: Qantas record Up and Away. Interviews for Qantas national and international flights. See
24.3.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
25.3.14 to 26.3.14: Health-e-Nation. Conference. Sydney. MC.
28.3.14 to 31.3.14: New York with family.
April 2014
1.4.14 to 20.4.14: New York with family.
24.4.14: SCEGGS Journalism Student Workshop.
May 2014
5.5.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
14.5.14 and 15.5.14: People, Power & Purpose. Capturing Hearts & Minds. Aged & Community Services State Conference.MC.
21.5.14: Australian Network on Disability Conference. MC.
22.5.14: Presentations People Remember Workshop.
26.5.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
29.5.14: Palliative Care Forum. Canberra. MC.
June 2014
5.6.14: Cultural Shift Symposium: Supporting migrant and refugee families through settlement. Parramatta. MC.
6.6.14: Presentations People Remember. SGCH. Facilitate.
11.6.14: LGBTIQ Forum, Marrickville Council. MC.
26.6.14: PCFA/Ovarian Cancer Research Update 2014. MC.
July 2014
2.7.14: Wolper Jewish Hospital Well Being Program Forum. MC.
3.7.14: Sydney Coastrek 2015 Launch. Sydney. MC.
3.7.14: Qantas record Up and Away. Interviews for Qantas national and international flights. See
11.7.14: Settlement Services International Forum. MC.
21.7.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
31.7.14: Palliative Care Victoria Conference. MC.
August 2014
1.8.14: Palliative Care Victoria Conference. MC.
4.8.14: Act Safe Forum, Office of the Children’s Guardian. MC.
8.8.14: “What makes you happy?” By Fiona Robards. Book launch. MC.
9.8.14: Faith and Justice Expo. “How do we do faith and justice in the formation of the future church?”. Panel discussion. MC.
12.8.14: The National Art School Fellows Dinner. MC.
18.8.14: Healthy Ageing. Leichhardt Council. MC.
25.8.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
September 2014
6.9.14: National SRS Field Day. Wellington Showground. MC.
15.9.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
18.9.14 & 19.9.14: 3rd National Hoarding and Squalor Conference. Sydney. MC.
29.9.14: Gleebooks Launch of “My Story” by Julia Gillard. Host.
October 2014
10.10.14: Flying Dutchman Dinner. Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Sydney. MC.
22.10.14: FRANS (Making a difference for people with a disability) AGM. MC.
25.10.14: Rethinking Mental Health Forum. South Eastern Sydney Medicare Local. MC.
26.10.14: International College of Dentists Forum. MC.
27.10.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
November 2014
5.11.14: Wolper Jewish Hospital Well Being Program Forum. MC.
12.11.14: Australian Forests & Climate Alliance – Rainforest Rally. Speak.
21.11.14: Engaging Young People: Australian Red Cross. Panel Discussion. Facilitate.
23.11.14: Marjorie McCrossin’s 90th Birthday Celebration.
24.11.14: SCEGGS Darlinghurst Board meeting.
26.11.14: Studio Ten. Panel member.
27.11.14: 100 Years: The Frontline of Humanitarian Aid: Australian Red Cross. MC.
28.11.14: Service Delivery Reform Initiative Forum. Parramatta. Facilitate.
December 2014
1.12.14 & 2.12.14: Clear Vision Imaging video interviews. Central West NSW.
9.12.14 & 10.12.14: Queensland Health Summer School. MC.
12.12.14: Agency for Clinical Innovation Transition Forum. Facilitate.
15.12.14 to 31.12.14: Long Service Leave Continues into 2015.