Meeting Facilitator


“Thank you so much for facilitating the Departments Futures. Your expertise, energy and enthusiasm made the event a great success by drawing out the diverse range of participants and also connecting with members of the audience.” Social Services Futures Forum. July 2017

“Thank you for your tremendous work. I have received much positive feedback about you from the participants yesterday! I am pleased that each session was facilitated in such an engaging way that we now have a quite clear direction and practical actions which we are now able to work on in partnership. The day was clearly a success and I thank you for working with us in such an accommodating way.” Western Sydney Local Health District. April 2017

“The energy and vision that you brought to the event helped to create something special.” University of Sydney RUOK Forum. September 2015

“I have had wonderful feedback on yesterday’s event & much of it centred on your marvellous MC skills. You are such a passionate & informed ambassador for all that we do.” Health-e-Nation 2015. CHIK Services. June 2015

“Our Q & A on Suicide and Depression was amazing. I have had so many people tell me how outstanding it was. All of us at Wolper are grateful and appreciate your support.” Wolper Jewish Hospital Wellbeing Program. May 2015

“I just want to thank you again for facilitating the Young Leaders Program for the International College of Dentists. Your facilitation was brilliant and ICD gained a lot from hearing what the young leaders had to say!” ICD. October 2014

“I just wanted to say a big thankyou for the fantastic job you did facilitating the Hoarding and Squalor Conference. Your energy, wit and insight ensured that the conference attendees had lots of fun and learnt lots as well.” Janis Redford, General Manager, Catholic Community Services NSW/ACT. September 2014

“I wish to extend a warm thank you for your phenomenal facilitation of the recent Cultural Shift Symposium. Your experience, knowledge, passion, humour and energy were pivotal in making the day a wonderful success.” Violet Roumellotis, CEO SSI (Settlement Services International). June 2014.

“”Julie McCrossin is a fabulous facilitator. Brilliant summaries and questions. She made a huge contribution to the day.” Family Law Pathways Network Forum. Newcastle. June 2012.

“Thank you again for your wonderful work yesterday. We have received nothing but wonderful feedback about the way you facilitated the day and you absolutely made it work for us.” NPS Better Choices, Better Health Forum 2012 (National Prescribing Service).

“It makes my job so much easier and more satisfying to work with someone as professional as you. We had tremendous feedback from our delegates about the day and they were all very impressed with your facilitation skills.” Palliative Care Australia National Roundtable, Canberra, 2011.

“It certainly was great to work with you again – you definitely bring an extra something to the facilitation of such an important day.” Achieve Australia, 2011.

“Thank you for facilitating the 11 regional forums. Your warmth, engagement and strong subject matter knowledge greatly assisted in obtaining effective involvement by forum participants.” NSW Human Services, 2010.

“THANK YOU for last night … feedback was that it was well received and Community Drug Action Team members were very thankful for your skill and personality in presenting this information, and also in being able to engage with the audience.” Southern Drug and Alcohol Services, NSW Health 2009.

“I just wanted to thank you on behalf of the CDAT Working Group for such a fantastic job. I think we all agree that you made a great contribution to the night and that you facilitated the discussion really well. I think that those who attended will really feel that they were listened to and their concerns heard by the people who work in the community that can effect change.” Community Drug and Alcohol Team Working Group. Public Forum. Sydney 2009.

“The facilitator was terrific. Intelligent, across the issues, entertaining while remaining subject focused and a good time keeper. She was the glue that made it seamless!” Lorne Forum Child Protection Victoria. 2008.

“The day went really well and there has been an incredible amount of positive feedback on your facilitation. You really managed to achieve what we were hoping to gain from the day through your great insights, open style of communication and clear understanding of the issues.” Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Office, NSW Health. 2008.

“While many factors influenced the success of the Forum, your facilitation skill, professionalism, generosity of sharing personal experience, preparation, intelligence and great humour are considered key to the resounding success of this event for RFNSW.” The Richmond Fellowship of NSW Staff Forum, 2007.

“I would like to thank you for the significant role you played in making this such an enjoyable and successful event. The manner in which you managed the conference time and content, lead the panel discussion, kept presenters focused and allowed for a high degree of audience participation in a humorous and light hearted way was well received. Your contribution to the congress exceeded expectations and set a high benchmark for future events.” Office of Children, Victorian Department of Human Services, The Resilience Congress 2006.

“The course was informative and fun. Thanks! Every little bit of positive effort into improving the lives of people with mental illness and understanding of mental illness is great for not only the sufferers but, I think, we may find it also furthers the spiritual evolution we find ourselves in!” – Steve, Working with the Media Workshop, Pitane Recovery Centre and the Pioneer Club House, February 2006

“Wanted to acknowledge your masterful facilitation of the Dept. of Health & Ageing Suicide Prevention Planning Forum in Canberra; your level of knowledge, astuteness of questioning, perceptiveness, sense of humour, and ability to really listen and process at high speed made a huge contribution to the Forum.” – Lifeline Australia, February 2006

“Your facilitation provoked passions and interest right to the very end. We had very positive feedback from participants and sponsors about your session.” – TAFE Directors Australia, 2004 National TAFE Congress

“You were a wonderful host, setting the tone of the evening with playfulness, appreciation and expectation. People remarked how much they enjoyed your contribution.”– Eremos Institute Public Forum, An Evening with Bishop Spong.

“Thank you for the excellent role you performed as facilitator… particularly through an enjoyable and interactive forum.” – Independent Commission Against Corruption

“Your skill in involving people in the discussion and synthesising the issues was crucial in establishing a fruitful dialogue.” – Shelter NSW

“Your passionate and skilful approach to facilitating the debate ensured that the conference was a valuable learning opportunity for all participants.” – Family Services Australia

“Others in neighbouring workshops were quite envious of the fun we were obviously having.” – National Council of Churches in Australia

“Your ability to hold the audience in the palm of your hand, enable the two young co-presenters to do such a good job confidently, to provide such humour and a great atmosphere were very enviable.” – Central Coast Volunteer Referral Agency Inc.