Events 2004


Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

January 2004

ABC Radio National Summer Season. For the first three weeks of January Life Matters broadcast a selection of the best interviews from 2003. Details of all interviews are available at

February 2004

“An evening with Patrick Dodson”. Public event, Valhalla Cinema Glebe, Sydney. Julie interviewed on stage Patrick Dodson and Kevin Keefe, author of “Paddy’s Road” the story of Patrick’s life and times as an Aboriginal activist.

March 2004

“Yarning About Health”. A public forum on diabetes, heart disease, pain and weight management for the Aboriginal Community. La Perouse Public School. MC panel discussion with audience participation. This event was hosted by the South East Sydney Aboriginal Health Team, Division of General Practice and Prince of Wales Hospital Community Health and Aged Care program.

Assessing Cognitive Capacity: Legal and social challenges. A public forum hosted by the NSW Public Guardian. Wesley Centre, Sydney. Julie facilitated a panel discussion with audience participation.

April 2004

May 2004

“Australian Doctor Survivor Debate.” General Practitioner Conference and Exhibition 2004. Olympic Park Homebush. This debate explored the pressures of being a GP in a rural community. Julie acted as MC and also fielded questions and discussion with an audience of general practitioners.

Health Leaders Network. Sydney. Talk. Topic: “Consumer health issues.” The audience for this talk were leaders of the NSW health system and senior executives and doctors from the British National Health Service.

NSW Government Spokeswomen program. Speak. Topic: “Tips for pubic speaking.”

ABC Local Radio Staff Forum. Melbourne, Victoria. National staff forum. Julie was a panel member speaking on “Making entertaining radio.”

Dusseldorp Skills Forum. Mentoring Program. Publication launch about mentoring schemes for young people. Julie facilitated a panel discussion with young people and their volunteer mentors from the business sector.

Women in Construction Annual Awards. Sydney Town Hall. MC. These awards are for excellence in the building industry and associated financial and legal services, the building trades and architecture. Julie has been the MC for these awards on two occasions.

June 2004

NSW Police Training Academy. Goulburn NSW. MC panel discussion on Effective Court Models for the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Program, NSW Legal Aid commission. Topic: “Effective Teams.” The audience were NSW Police and community staff who work to support women seeking apprehended violence orders.

National Family Relationships Forum, hosted by the Future Directions in Family Relationships Services Program, Department of Family and Community Services. After dinner speech. Topic: “Why your work really matters.”

The SCEGGS Great Debate. MC. An annual fundraising public debate involving current students of the school, old girls, parents and teachers.

702ABC Sydney. Drive time radio comedy panel with presenter Richard Glover. “Thank God It’s Friday”. Panellist.

July 2004

Women Leading in Australia 2004. Grace Hotel Sydney. Synergy Plus Training. Speak. Topic: “Working and Competing with Men.”

SCEGGS Darlinghurst Year 6 students. Speak. Topic: “Women and Leadership”.

“Window on Wilcannia Public Forum.” Wilcannia, far western NSW. ABC Radio Broken Hill and ABC Radio National jointly hosted a town meeting on the current challenges and future needs of this isolated town which has a population that is 80% Aboriginal. Julie was a panel member at the town meeting in the evening on 7th
July 2004 and she co-presented a national, live radio broadcast from Wilcannia Telecentre the next day with Peter Jinks from Outback Outlook on 999ABC Broken Hill. The radio broadcast included interviews with the school principal, local police officer, local Aboriginal residents, a Sister from the local Catholic mission and Federal politicians, including the Minister responsible for Aboriginal issues, Senator Amanda Vanstone, Federal National Party Member for Parkes, John Cobb and the Democrat Senator and Aboriginal leader, Senator Aden Ridgeway.

August 2004

“Resilience Public Forum.” Science Week. National Museum of Australia Canberra. Julie interviewed an expert panel about resilience and how to promote it in individuals and communities in front of a live audience. This discussion and audience questions and comments was broadcast on Life Matters on ABC Radio National.

Sexuality Week. Combined Religious Meeting. University of Technology, Sydney. Speak. Topic: “Some thoughts on sexual freedom”. Julie spoke to a combined meeting of members of all the student religious groups on campus.

National Breast Cancer Consumer Conference. Melbourne, Victoria. Julie facilitated a panel discussion with audience participation. Topic: “The latest research and new treatments: consumer issues.”

September 2004

2004 National Landcare Australia Awards, Parliament House, Canberra. MC.

“In conversation with Julie McCrossin.” Forum on Ageing. Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care. Interviews with four inspirational older Australians.” Julie interviewed the panel and then facilitated a discussion with the audience of workers and policy makers in aged care services.

Work experience student from Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College, Sydney. Julie supervised and supported a Year 10 student at ABC Radio.

Second Australasian Conference on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Canberra, ACT. MC panel discussion with audience participation. Topic: “The Influence of the Media on Health and Safety”.

2004 National TAFE Congress, Ultimo College, Sydney. MC panel discussion with audience participation. Topic: “The challenges of change”.

Shoalhaven Women’s Health Centre Fundraising Dinner. Nowra, NSW. Speak. Topic: “Reflections on Turning 50”.

October 2004

Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism. Announcement of finalists. Joint announcer of finalists. Also Julie was one of the judges for the 2004 awards.

Book launch. “Memoirs of Moving On – A Life of Faith, Passion and Resilience” by Rev. Dorothy McRae McMahon. Gleebooks, Sydney. Speak.

“Four Sisters: One Passion” Inaugural Gala Dinner. Fundraiser. AJC Randwick. Hosted by The Sisters of Charity, The Sisters of Mercy, The Little Company of Mary and The Sisters of the Good Samaritan. Guest Speaker: Sir William Deane. MC: Julie McCrossin. This annual event raises money for services that assist the most disadvantaged people in Australia. For example, the foundation funds educational opportunities for Aboriginal children and people with a disability.

Renal Replacement Therapies: Getting Better All the Time. Consumer Forum. Menzies Hotel, Sydney. Renal Resource Centre. Speak. Topic: “Coping with the Pressures of Life.”

UNSW Law Students. University of NSW law School. Speak. Topic: “Work experience as a law graduate”.

Pharmacists Conference. Sydney. Breakfast talk. Topic: “Medication safety: a consumer perspective.”

November 2004

AIDS Action Council of the ACT. Public Forum, Canberra. Julie facilitated a public consultation and panel discussion on the quality of services.

NSW Health Chronic and Complex Care Collaborative. Sydney. State-wide Forum for clinical teams on clinical excellence. Julie facilitated a panel discussion with audience participation.

Women’s Leadership Conference. Canberra. Synergy Plus Training. Speaker. Topic: “Working in teams”.

Friends of Carers NSW. Speak. Topic: “Celebration of Life: It matters!”

“The Media and Public Health”. Annual Scientific Meeting AFPHM WA Branch, in association with the Public Health Association WA and the Australian health Promotion Association WA. Speak.

December 2004

Human Rights Awards and Annual Human Rights Address. Hosted by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and held at the Sheraton on the Park in Sydney. MC. Julie has acted as the MC for these awards for 4 years.

Doonside High School Speech Night. Doonside, south west Sydney. Speak and present awards. Topic: “The power of education.”